
Friday, February 27, 2004

Someone out there is avoiding me.

I really can't tell who, but I know it is someone. It is part of the whole 'I feel there is something up with the universe these days' thing. But I can sense it.

So who is it? C'mon, come clean. You know I love you regardless. Just call. Everything will be fine.

And just because you're paranoid, it doesn't mean they are not out to get you...

Thursday, February 26, 2004

Like this is a great shock: I'm Mexico.

You're Mexico!

While some people think you're poor and maybe a little corrupt, you
know where it's at, enjoying good food and nice beaches.  You like to take things a
little slower than those around you, and you really wish the air were cleaner, but sometimes
compromises must be made.  For some reason, Chevrolet keeps trying to sell you Novas
as well, even though they don't really go.

the Country Quiz at the href="http://bluepyramid.org">Blue Pyramid

You say you want a revolution?

Times of late, they have been a'changin'. And that can be confusing to those of us with our heads down trying to muck our way through life. Especially us artistic types. But change things will, and quite frankly, we live for it.

For the past month or so, I've been dangling my toes off of a precipice. Inching closer and closer to the edge, I've peeked a few times and seen the familiar and the forbidden. And upon further review, my recent melancholy could be attributed to my resistance of this push to the edge. So here I stand, firm yet afraid, and I think I am about to jump.

So what the fuck am I talking about?

As most of you know, one of my former incarnations in Austin was that of a funk-punk frontman. And I can rock a mic like a badger eats cheese.

And last night, for the first time in years, I did it again. And it was like riding bike and getting hit by lightning at the exact same time. Rusty, yeah. But rockin? Oh yeah!

So look out, true believer, this story won't be finished on this blog, oh no. This story will lay out before your very eyes, as you are invited to my own personal rock opera, guaranteed to shock and awe. The time is right, the time is now.

Now if we could just find a bass player....

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Kind of blue today.

Can't really put my finger on it, but I'm just in a funk. I have plans until late, but all I want to do is go home and go to bed. But that isn't going to happen, so I'm here to ruminate.

Maybe it is because Mardi Gras was yesterday and I forgot to get my debauchery on. Maybe it is because our President wants an amendment to retract the rights guaranteed in the 14th amendment (you know, that little part of the Constitution that freed the slaves). Maybe it is because everyone seems to be going through transitions in life right now and there is a weird vibe in the air. Maybe it is because my new job sometimes doesn't hold up to my old job. Maybe it is because I'm really starting to worry about our money situation. Maybe it is because I'm a whiner.

Probably that last one.

Nothing like a little self loathing in the afternoon...

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

What's in a name?

We just had a war, right? There was all sorts of chaos and evil and death and the like. We even had a great photo op "ending".

But what was it called?

I'm a little stunned, in this age of direct marketing, that this unpopular war was never coined with title. All great marketing campaigns need a catch phrase or great title or they'll never 'catch' on. And perhaps that was one mistake this administration made. We never knew what war we were watching.

At first it was a remake of WWII- the new Hitler and all.

Then it was the sequel to Gulf War I- liberate the people, don't you know.

Finally it has started to resemble the Vietnam quagmire, what with no end in sight.

So I've decided that I will start a war naming campaign. Just send them in, and I'll pass them along the appropriate bureaucrat.

Here are some ideas to get us going:
-The Weapons of Mass Distraction Conflict
-The Hypocrite Smackdown
-I'm Gonna Get You Sucka
-The Big Pimp Slap
-The propaganda war to end all propaganda wars
-Bush, Lies and no videotape of any WMD
-The "Who remembers Florida now?" War
-It's all Clinton's Fault
-the war to end all credibility on the global scene
-Rocky VI
-The Bush's of Hazzard
-Yet another war ordered by politician who have NEVER served in the military (if you combine all the congress, supreme court, cabinet and upper administration officials- the number of them all with a child in the active military: one.)
-Iraqi Idol
-The illegal invasion of a sovereign state by a much larger army, kind of like what Iraq did to Kuwait to start the first Gulf War

So go crazy everyone. Once we get a name, we'll write a song, and then start writing some history books which make us look so cool. In 50 years, they'll call us the greatest generation.


?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

cool. Better than being Keanu.

Monday, February 23, 2004

So nothing happened.
But since there are only three of you out there, nobody seemed to care.

Jazzed, revved and excited by the recent activities of that all-around-clever-fellow, christostrophe, I thought I would join him in the liberating activity of giving myself a funny haircut.

But it just didn't happen. I was reminded that, for me, that would hold very little cache. So instead I ate popcorn.

Perhaps the mohawk is a thing of my past. Perhaps it is not. But I go to bed far to early for me to look too scary. If only it was hard core to get a beer gut...

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